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Milko's Fishing Blog
Thursday, 15 April 2021
Small fish day...

My last outing was a mixed feeling kind of thing. The weather was simply great! I went out around 11 in the morning and stayed on the beach until 20:00… I positively enjoyed myself! Three rods, as usually, strong current, and nice big weaves.


At the beginning of the session, it was low tide and I had some problems with grass floating in the surf. For a while fished with only one rod. But as soon as the tide started coming in, the ocean cleared up and I casted out 2 other rods.


Catch-wise, it was not so great – all day long was the kingdom of small fish – sargo and mucharra all the time, and all of them small, about palm-size. And while I was happy for a while to have constant action, it got really old soon – when I realized it will be so all day, I switched to big hooks on 2 rods, and baited them with fish fillets, for that was the only thing the small ones would not chop away within minutes. Unfortunately, no action on the big bait – it only confirmed there was no big fish in the surf… I persisted with squid on the 3rd rod, and managed to get one very nice sargo, around 500gr… but it being the only sized fish all day was a bit of a downer! Surprisingly I did not get even a small bass as I usually do on squid… Oh, well! Today rain is forecasted in the afternoon, but tomorrow is another day!

Posted by Milko at 6:24 AM EDT
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