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Milko's Fishing Blog
Tuesday, 20 April 2021
And another zero!!!

It is middle of the night and I am sooooo frustrated that I will write another post rather than go to bed…

Heigh tide was around 21:00 so I decided to try night fishing. I mean if they are not biting during day, they must be feeding at night, right? AND ANOTHER WROOOOOONG!

I started around 20:00 and stayed until midnight. Three rods, one close by, second at medium distance and the third half the way to Morocco! Had sand crab, sand worms, squid, clam and cockles as bait… And yet again all I got is endless tiny little mucharra, attacking everything no matter the distance! Finally, I got fed up and filleted one for bait, and the tiny mucharra picked even that one clean off!!!

At this point I am staring to wander what am I doing wrong… So, tomorrow I will visit Vila Real de Santo Antonio – I hear there is a beached whale so it should be worth the trip just to see that – but more importantly everyone is saying they are catching loads of seabream and sargo – I will stay a while without rods and observe the locals to see for myself…

Posted by Milko at 11:51 PM EDT
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