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Milko's Fishing Blog
Saturday, 24 April 2021
Thursday, 22nd April 2021

Thursday morning the weather was unbelievable – no wind to speak of, nice temperature – heigh tide at 11:11 AM – what more can one want for, right???

Having been repeatedly disappointed with Paria da Alagoa fishing, I decided to go to Vila Real de Santo Antonio pier… Looks nice, doesn’t it?


Having arrived there 2 hours before heigh tide, I set up 2 rods, one with while clam and the other with razorfish and squid on a two hook rig and waited…expectations were heigh as I had heard that people are catching seabream there regularly. And indeed, there were some 15 fisherman on the pier, all with 2 or 3 rods and it seemed quite busy… The catch was again a big disappointment – I saw 5 or 6 small seabream being caught by others and I got only 3 weevers… When the wind picked up in the afternoon and it got too warm, I simply left, completely demotivated… On my way down I observed what others are doing, and there is a small matter of having the right bait, worms called casulo and americana, and obligatory use of a very long leader line, 2m or linger… even still, the catch was nothing to write home about…

Posted by Milko at 9:19 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 24 April 2021 5:23 AM EDT
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