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Milko's Fishing Blog
Wednesday, 5 May 2021
Day of the Spider!

After such a nice session yesterday, I hurried out this morning 2 hrs before heigh tide. I brought enough squid for 5 fisherman, sardine, white clams… the works.

Of course, when I got there, in spite of very strong wind, the ocean was flat, and clear. Even with heigh tide during this part of the cycle, it was very, very shallow… Casting far was easy, as the wind was in the back. The down side is that apart from weever, there was NOTHING else to catch. I mean it was a weever bonanza. I was catching them 2 at a time, on squid, on clam, sardine – it made no difference at all. 5 minutes after casting, there they were… One of them even swallowed both my hooks of the 2-hook rig… Still, I persisted for about 3 hours. When it got too warm and sunbathers started pilling up behind me, and after I got so completely fed up with handling the poisonous weevers, I called it a day.

I now ordered a plastic fishing grips for future weever exploits…


Posted by Milko at 10:57 AM EDT
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