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Milko's Fishing Blog
Friday, 18 June 2021

I woke up to the sound of thunder around 5 this morning. I looked over the radar forecast and figured out it will pass in an hour. And sure enough, around 6:30 I was already at the beach casting. The clouds do make fantastic sunrise!


The ocean was calm, no wind and the water was rising – heigh tide was around 9, so plenty of time for some light lure action in the surf… Upon arrival I saw a needlefish in the weaves, and what I thought was a bass… Oh, that got my blood pumping! I expected immediate action… And sure, the needlefish jumped at the BayRuf and missed it, but that was just about it!!!! I walked up and down the beach, and walked and casted, and walked and casted, all I could see are needlefish and mullet – here and there, alone or in groups, but no bass to speak of. The closest I came to a fish is this weever – mind you, the lure is 7cm…


Obviously, I am not happy with this turn of events. Tomorrow heigh tide is even later, so around dawn it will be lots, and lots of shallow water… Still, I will try until about 8 – as it is Saturday, I expect I will be chased off by the police anyhow…

Posted by Milko at 3:40 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 18 June 2021 3:46 PM EDT
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