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Milko's Fishing Blog
Thursday, 2 February 2023

Sure enough, after the last successful session, I wanted a repeat. I headed down to the beach about an hour after the high tide – the previous session, results were better on low tide as I as could more easily reach deeper water and fish seemed to stay away for some reason.

However, when I arrived, I found that he ocean had calmed down substantially – a few small weaves far apart, nothing like the roaring splash from the day before. I immediately knew it would be a difficult session, it is never good fishing when the ocean is calm. I used 3 rods with the red sand worm on all. To cut the story short – I got 2 bites in 3 hours and I did not hook anything. My buddy was fishing next to me and in full 5 hours he did not get so much as a nibble…

Now I either do a night session or wait for the ocean to get angry again…

Posted by Milko at 12:38 AM EST
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