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Milko's Fishing Blog
Friday, 10 March 2023

Two days ago I went to try Fuseta – just as an experiment, to see if fishing there is any different from Altura, Praia da Alagoa, which was very quiet last time I tried.

A buddy of mina and I started in the morning with low tide and fished through to high tide. Next to us there were 2 more fisherman. For about 40 minutes there was no action at al, so I walked over to speak to the two guys, hoping they are locals and will have more information.

They pretty much said the same, low activity, no fish for weeks now, and they had 1 bite that day which they missed. Went back to my rods, waited, waited, waited…

Them my buddy got a bite and after a nice fight landed a seabass of around a kilo or so.

And that was it for the day – 4 fisherman, 2 bites, and one fish… Suffice it to say, it will be a while before I drive 30 minutes to and another 30 fro to catch nothing, that I can do right here in frot of my house😊😊😊


And then yesterday, I had a decent session right here on Praia da Alagoa. I went out in the morning with low tide to collect red worm and, naturally, brought my rods along😇. I did not even fish, I merely baited two rods with red sand worm, casted in and dug for worms. I would go back to check the rods every 20 -30 min. To my surprise, I pulled out a small seabream, and thought that is the one fish I will catch for the day. 20 minutes later, I got a doublet of seabream and a s triped seabream (ferrera).

After that I caught a spotted bass. And then I stopped digging and concentrated on fishing. I got 2 more seabream, a sargo and even a mullet!

But the wind and rain were sooooooo annoying!

Let's just hope this marks beginning of a fishing period... it could also be a fluke on account of rain... we will know soon enough😇

Posted by Milko at 1:05 AM EST
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