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Milko's Fishing Blog
Thursday, 15 April 2021
Small fish day...

My last outing was a mixed feeling kind of thing. The weather was simply great! I went out around 11 in the morning and stayed on the beach until 20:00… I positively enjoyed myself! Three rods, as usually, strong current, and nice big weaves.


At the beginning of the session, it was low tide and I had some problems with grass floating in the surf. For a while fished with only one rod. But as soon as the tide started coming in, the ocean cleared up and I casted out 2 other rods.


Catch-wise, it was not so great – all day long was the kingdom of small fish – sargo and mucharra all the time, and all of them small, about palm-size. And while I was happy for a while to have constant action, it got really old soon – when I realized it will be so all day, I switched to big hooks on 2 rods, and baited them with fish fillets, for that was the only thing the small ones would not chop away within minutes. Unfortunately, no action on the big bait – it only confirmed there was no big fish in the surf… I persisted with squid on the 3rd rod, and managed to get one very nice sargo, around 500gr… but it being the only sized fish all day was a bit of a downer! Surprisingly I did not get even a small bass as I usually do on squid… Oh, well! Today rain is forecasted in the afternoon, but tomorrow is another day!

Posted by Milko at 6:24 AM EDT
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Monday, 12 April 2021
Baaaaad day of fishing!

Yesterday was a baaaaaad day of fishing… I was all fired up and ready to go, and indeed, it seemed as though all would be perfect. I got there 2 hrs before the heigh tide, unpacked my tackle, standard 3 rod set up, one with 2 big hook system, one medium size hook long line system, and one 2 small hook system – hook size 4, as I was using sand worms I had dug up the day before…


And indeed, there was some fish to be caught, mainly small sargo and mucharra, but also a small seabream… current was strong, weaves were digging up the sand, it all seemed quite appealing…


BUT, the trouble was the strong South – South-westerly wind. I mean STRONG!!! Not only was I casting against the wind, but it was also not enjoyable to stay on the beach. After 2 hours I began getting nervous, jumpy… And the wind kept picking up and I started getting a headache. So, finally, I was the first one to leave, I could not stand it anymore… Later I heard from others who had stayed behind that fishing actually picked up with receding tide… In my opinion, even if they were hauling monster fish one after another, in that weather, it could hardly be called fishing…

Posted by Milko at 3:27 PM EDT
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Friday, 9 April 2021
Back on the beach !!!

It has been QUITE a while since I did any fishing or posted anything - due to the COVID lockdown situation, fishing was prohibited (!!!???? as it is SUCH a well-known group sport!!!!????) in Portugal...


On the 5th April fishing was finally allowed and after having gone through considerable hardship to renew my licence, and even more so to reorganize my tackle and remember where all the things I needed were, I was able to hit the beach!


On the 5th I had my first outing - but this was a discovery expedition - I needed to get back in touch with the ocean, try to re-establish my feel for the flow... And sure enough, I got only one spotted bass...


As I was getting ready to leave, it was starting to get too warm, and, more importantly the tide was going down rapidly, the fish started biting... Hmmm, a very strange development... Activity with the outgoing tide and almost no action with upcoming tide...


That evening I went back to check if it would be better at night - and it was not, there were tons of Mucharra and fishing was more or less impossible - as soon as the bait hit the water it would be chopped off by these little buggers.


So next day, I went out in the afternoon with outgoing tide and had great time - in a few hours I got 2 sargo, two spotted bass, unavoidable 2 mucharra (EVEN AT DAYTIME!!!!Yell) and 2 Greater weever... All in all, a very nice session after so much time browsing the internet and fishing for lures, hooks, tackle...

Posted by Milko at 5:45 AM EDT
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Friday, 29 January 2021

I tried the beach last night with low tide - started about 1,5 hrs befor the minimum and stayed on for another 1,5 after the water had started to rise...

 Regular setup - three rods, two with big hooks and sardine as bait, one rod with a small hook and a piece of squid as bait....

 As soon as I casted in the first rod with a sardine, the small fish were on it and packed it away in miniues... So, I caught me one of these small fish and used that as bait... Unfortunately, no action on live bait....

I tried a fish fillet on the third rod... Alas, not a peep there either.

 The small ones kept going at the squid like crazy, but that was just about it... It seems there are only small fish swimming around... Or so would say those who can not catch anything biggerLaughing


Now, I consider this a good session - on account of the extremely cold weather we have had around New Year's Day, all the fish disappeared from the costal area - I would sit there with three rods for hours at a time without so much as a nibble. I am glad fish returned - where there are small ones, bigger fish are sure to follow... Next session will be at heigh tide and with some shells and worms as bait...  I am itching for a catch...

Posted by Milko at 6:57 AM EST
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Thursday, 28 January 2021

Right! After much thought and toil trying to set this up - I am finally up and running!


Welcome to my fishing blog!


As first entry, since I we are under lockdown, a few words about myself.


Born and bread in former Yugoslavia, Republic of Serbia. As a kid I watched my dad fish for chub and gudgeon in crystal clear rivers of South Serbia and caugh the fishing bug myself in the early age of 6... or 7... 


And THAT WAS IT, I was hooked! As I matured, I kept discovering new techniques, new waters, new species and it was always that old feeling, only a bit more different... I can say with no uncertainty that, given a chance, I could go fishing 12 hours a day without getting bored!


Life took me to The Netherlands where I went for work, and there I discovered sea fishing! I mean, North Sea is brutal and cold, but it is rich in fish! And that was what kept me going - unlike carp, who are almost dormant in winter, sea fish are active all year round, and almost everyday... If you are reading this - you know what I mean, I am sure, so let's move on...


Having discovered sea fishing I quickly got bored with cod and flatfish, but luckily The North Sea has some pretty nice seabass - and once you get one of those, on a lure preferably, you can not go back...


Now, I am blessed with living in Portugal, small town of Altura in the Eastern Algarve, and I spend as much time as I can on Praia da Alagoa. This is what I call MY WATER, and this is what most entries are going to be about!


Of course, I am an equal oportunity employer:):):) - wherever I go, there will be fishing done, and the blog will reflect that. 


So, for today, I am just happy this is up and running, but I must go take a walk on the beach, if you catch my drift:):):)

Posted by Milko at 1:29 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 9 April 2021 5:18 AM EDT
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